Business for Sale in West Sussex VINTAGE TEA ROOM IN WEST SUSSEX

Leasehold Price £34,500

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West Sussex
Tea Rooms

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The business is located in a popular and historic market town in the very heart of the South Downs, and close to the thriving city of Chichester.

This very attractive air-conditioned tea room was fully fitted and equipped in 2012 at a cost of approximately £30,000, and further improvements have been made by the current owner during the last year. The bright and spacious kitchen is in excellent condition and is very well equipped for the trade providing a great environment for food preparation and an ideal base for lucrative outside catering work.

This is a ready-made business opportunity at a very reasonable purchase price. All equipment is already in place and new owners can simply move in and begin trading. The tea room is equally suitable both for daytime walk-in customers and for pre-booked parties and special events. We understand that the previous owner also earned a very good supplementary income through outside catering.

Having purchased the tea room last year, the vendor is unfortunately no longer able to run the business due ill health, and a quick sale is required.

Ref: C33174T LEASEHOLD £34,500

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