Latest News from Everett Masson & Furby

We want your business...

As a business valuer for Everett Masson & Furby visiting many businesses each week there are three comments being heard over and over again being...

  • ‘I bet there are hundreds of businesses on the market at the moment with owners looking to get out!’
  • ‘I bet you are quiet with no one looking to buy a business in this economic climate!’
  • ‘I bet no one can afford to buy a business at the moment, the banks aren’t lending to anyone!’

In all three scenarios EM&F can simply and safely say the comments hold no substance whatsoever, in each of the above scenarios above EM&F would comment as follows:-

  • There is probably a shortage of all types of quality businesses on the market at this present time. From visits to businesses there are some top performing businesses out there which have experienced considerable success over recent years and if placed on the open market would attract strong demand with quality buyers waiting.
  • Office activity is buoyant, in addition to the substantial number of enquiries received via the EM&F website – and the leading business sales portals of where EM&F list all their businesses for sale a substantial number of telephone enquiries continue to be received along with requests for viewings and additional information resulting in regular sales.
  • Bank funding can continue to be obtained, from recent experiences it is knowing who to approach and approaching them in the correct manner with a quality business plan. This is where the finance broker comes into play such as E M Finance – who specialise not just in obtaining the finance but getting the best deal for their client through the production of a comprehensive business plan and placing it with the bank and person best suited for the proposition.

If you are thinking of selling your business then EM&F would be delighted to visit you and provide a free no obligation market appraisal. In all instances should you be thinking of selling your business, then your ‘house’ needs to be in order with up to date accounting information essential as both would be purchasers and the banks seek comfort within this information. For further information on selling your business then why not download the free EM&F Business Selling Guide - and learn how to speed up the sale of your business with nine most important actions.

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