Latest News from Everett Masson & Furby


The commercial finance market is a different place due to the credit crunch and the recession reports Phil Gray, Managing Director, Watts Commercial Finance Ltd:

"Contrary to what the press would have you believe the financial world is still turning, just on a slightly different axis"

So what did Phil mean? Simple the banks are still lending, but the world is a different place to that of 2007 and before.

Gone of the days of wild lending, little regard to affordability and a blind eye being t…

Following on from the 'Mustard & Coffee Winning Combination' article contained in the previous newsletter EM&F are delighted to have been instructed in the sale of one of Norwich's original and respected coffee houses – Logan's.

Logan's enjoys an absolutely prime location in the historic "Lanes" at the heart of the bustling and ever popular city of Norwich, being close to the Castle Ramparts. Now presented as a modern air Conditioned Coffee Shop/ Sandwich Bar Logan's has evolved into one of th…

The EM&F Group continue to see activity in all sectors, whilst some sectors are more popular than others the one aspect that stands out is no matter what sector a business is in, if it is quality well presented and priced correctly then it will receive interest. Looking at what has sold in the various sectors and comparing to 2011 there are a number of 'Movers', 'Non Movers' and 'Fallers' to include a few surprises:-

The 'Movers' include Bakers & Butchers, there are less on our streets these d…

The news on Post Offices just continues to get better for the EM&F Group, firstly there was the welcome news for the industry as a whole with the Post Office retaining the DVLA contract in respect of Vehicle Licensing (Car Tax Discs). Secondly the North West Office of EM&F was pleased to report the successful completion in quick succession of 2 Post Offices in November.

During the month the keys of Llangernyw Post Office, Nr Abergele, North Wales, were handed over by outgoing subpostmaster Mar…

You may be wondering what Mustard & Coffee have in common, well EM&F are offering prospective business purchasers the opportunity to acquire a little piece of history in the form of the Mustard Coffee Bar contained within the original Colman's Mustard Shop situated at the very heart of Norwich's Historic City Centre. Colman's Mustard is one of the oldest existing food brands, The Mustard Shop opened in 1973 prior to re-locating elsewhere in the City in 1999 and paving the way for the Mustard Co…

EM&F Business Finance, the commercial mortgage arm of Everett Masson & Furby, can confirm with certainty that there is a healthy appetite among commercial banks to lend for the purchase of a wide range of different businesses including not only freehold and leasehold based but also internet operations.

This statement may well seem contradictory to the usual mantra that "the banks aren't lending" but our experience is that professionally presented proposals are being strongly supported on compe…

EM&F were delighted to have taken a stand at the newly named Independent Retail Show (formerly CTN World) organised by the National Federation of Retail Newsagents (NFRN).

Held towards the end of October at its also new location – the NEC, Birmingham, the show was well attended and proved a huge success with substantial numbers of newsagents, convenience store owners and subpostmasters attending the show and visiting the EM&F stand for a variety of discussions.

The show with its free entry of…

Well known for its' stunning coastlines and countryside, National Parks, vibrant cities and busy market towns, Wales really has something to offer every type of business buyer, no matter how big or small.

With various Welsh Government grants still available, strong road and rail infrastructure in place plus the on-going multi-million pound developments in the cities of Cardiff, Swansea, and Newport (which is also benefitting the surrounding areas), then now really is the time to consider inves…

With talk of a double dip recession and the High Street being in turmoil, as evidenced by figures from the British Retail Consortium showing a 3.3% drop in like for like sales compared to April 2011, it is exceptionally encouraging that the Convenience Store sector where the EM&F group have held a presence as Specialist Agents for around 50 years is one business sector where growth is actually occurring. 

Figures produced for the National Convenience Show actually show 4.4% growth for 2011, wh…

As a business valuer for Everett Masson & Furby visiting many businesses each week there are three comments being heard over and over again being...

  • ‘I bet there are hundreds of businesses on the market at the moment with owners looking to get out!’
  • ‘I bet you are quiet with no one looking to buy a business in this economic climate!’
  • ‘I bet no one can afford to buy a business at the moment, the banks aren’t lending to anyone!’

In all three scenarios EM&F can simply and safely say the…

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