Latest News from Everett Masson & Furby


The summer of 2012 has the potential of being a key turning point especially for businesses in London and the South East says Edward Harrison of Everett Masson & Furby (London  & Surrey) with many opportunities resulting from the forthcoming Olympics with expected higher footfalls generated from the estimated 11 million visitors to the capital together with the feel good factor generated by the Queens Diamond Jubilee and major transport innovations such as Crossrail and the upgrade to the Tube …

The media continues to flood the business headlines with economic doom and gloom. However, it’s not all bad. Now might, in fact, be a good time to consider buying your own business. Why?

Not all businesses are struggling. Some are trading consistently and some are expanding. The current economic climate inevitably means that there are opportunities.

Owning your own business means you’re the boss and you get to make the all important decisions. You no longer have the worries and anxiety of pos…

No one can predict the future, a bit like the weather as we all wait for summer to arrive; one thing we can predict and is for certain is that the EM&F Group will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary in 2013 having traded successfully over the years despite a variety of trading conditions, both challenging and fruitful resulting in 1000’s of satisfied clients!

The EM&F brand is now synonymous with the Business Transfer Market dealing in the sale of all types of business, ranging from the tradit…

The current business transfer market can really be summed up in one word – "Realism". Experienced selling agents know there is little point in sugar-coating the pill for potential vendors - its tough out there, even for businesses which have been successful in weathering the recessionary storms.

The biggest factor in shaping the market is the availability of loan finance. Banks have been criticised for their unwise lending of the past so it's not surprising that they are now adopting a far mor…

EM&F Business Finance, the commercial mortgage arm of Everett Masson & Furby, confirms that following a number of successful completions of business purchases in recent weeks there is a growing appetite among commercial banks to lend for the purchase of retail stores.

This statement may well seem contradictory to the usual mantra that "the banks aren't lending" but they have evidenced that professionally presented proposals are being strongly supported on competitive terms.

Some key areas to …

With on-line shopping having increased 19% in the first half of 2011 when compared to the same period last year this is a sector which continues to grow and has a great future. There are varying scales of on-line retailing ranging from massive warehouse distribution centres to those operating from home with a storage facility in the form of a garage or garden shed, the important fact is literally anyone can become part of this phenomena with the majority of traditional retailers also having an …

Quality convenience stores priced correctly are selling, there are plenty of buyers about ensuring the viewing of businesses remains strong, the hard work lies in brokering a deal and getting over the finishing line which is why an experienced business transfer agent is required in the current economic climate to assist both vendors and buyers in ironing out any problems encountered along the way.

There are a substantial number of convenience stores on the market from which would be buyers can…

Despite the cuts of the coalition, Andrew Wilby of Everett Masson & Furby (North East & Cumbria) reports strong interest for competitively priced businesses across his operating regions of Northumberland, Cumbria, Teesside, Co Durham and Tyne & Wear. Many of these areas are heavily dependent on local authorities for their economic survival, yet despite this says Andrew Wilby "there is active and strong interest from business purchasers".

Catering businesses he continues are the strongest selle…

Once again the E M & F Group are delighted to be present at this years CTN World –, a must visit for those involved or looking to be involved in the News and Convenience Retailing sector. Taking place on Sunday 20th November and Monday 21st November at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry, just off the M6 motorway, E M & F can be found on stand number 214 and would welcome the opportunity to discuss the selling and buying of businesses.

Hosted by the National Federation of Retail Newsag…

Whilst ultimately the dream of any would be business buyer is to own the Freehold property in which the business is situated it is sometimes just not achievable due to budget constraints, especially if the business in question also offers residential accommodation. Unfortunately this can increase its purchase price considerably making it difficult to fund which is probably a factor more so now due to the tightening of lending criteria by the banks, a Leasehold business offers an affordable rout…

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